The Regulations and Incentives for Solar Carports: What Property Owners Need to Know

Solar Energy

The Regulations and Incentives for Solar Carports: What Property Owners Need to Know

February 12, 2023
5 mins to read

The transition to clean and renewable energy sources is an important aspect of combating climate change, and solar energy has become one of the most popular and accessible methods of generating clean energy. Solar panels are being installed on homes and businesses alike, but one of the most underutilized areas for solar energy generation is parking lots and carports.

As a property owner, investing in a solar carport can bring a range of benefits, from reducing your energy bills to boosting the value of your property. But before you jump into the project, it's important to understand the regulations and incentives that govern solar carports.

Regulations for Solar Carports

The regulations for solar carports vary depending on the state and local jurisdiction in which your property is located. However, some of the most common regulations include building codes and zoning laws, which dictate the size, height, and placement of the carport.

For example, some jurisdictions may require that the carport not exceed a certain height, while others may dictate the minimum distance between the carport and surrounding buildings. It's important to research the regulations in your area before starting the construction of your solar carport.

Additionally, many states have interconnection laws that govern how a solar carport can be connected to the grid. These laws typically require the property owner to obtain a permit, which must be approved by the local utility company.

Incentives for Solar Carports

In addition to the benefits of reducing energy bills, there are also a range of incentives available for property owners who invest in solar carports. These incentives vary depending on the state and jurisdiction, but some of the most common include:

  • Tax credits: Many states offer tax credits to property owners who install solar carports. These credits can be applied to your state tax bill and can help offset the costs of the installation.
  • Rebates: Some utilities offer rebates to property owners who install solar carports. These rebates can help offset the costs of the installation and make it more affordable for property owners.
  • Net metering: Net metering allows property owners to receive credits for the excess energy that their solar carport generates. This means that if your solar carport generates more energy than you need, you can receive credits on your energy bill for the excess energy.
  • SRECs: Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) are a type of credit that property owners can earn for generating solar energy. These credits can be sold to utilities or other entities, providing an additional source of revenue for the property owner.

Investing in a solar carport is a smart move for property owners who are looking to reduce their energy costs, boost the value of their property, and do their part to combat climate change. However, it's important to understand the regulations and incentives that govern solar carports, so that you can make informed decisions and take advantage of the benefits that are available to you.

In conclusion, solar carports are a valuable investment for property owners who are looking to generate clean energy, reduce their energy costs, and do their part to protect the environment. With the right regulations and incentives in place, property owners can take advantage of the benefits of solar energy and make a positive impact on the environment.